Silent signs of high cholesterol

Silent signs of high cholesterol
01/9Silent signs of high cholesterol

As opposed to popular belief, cholesterol is not a bad or a harmful substance. In fact, your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells. But if your body has high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), also known as 'bad' cholesterol, it can increase your risk of heart disease. The fatty deposits can build up in and on the walls of the arteries, which can in turn jam the arteries, making it difficult for blood to flow. Sometimes, these deposits can suddenly break and form a clot, increasing a person's risk of a heart attack or a stroke.

Beware of peripheral artery disease (PAD)
Peripheral artery disease is a condition associated with narrowed arteries due to plaque build-up. This can lead to reduced blood flow to the lower part of the body including the legs and the feet.

A person suffering from PAD does not get enough blood in the legs or arms (usually legs), causing leg pain when walking. This is also known as 'claudication'.

If not treated on time, the condition can cause serious complications such as critical limb ischemia and acute limb ischemia, which are an advanced form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affecting blood flow in the extremities.

03/9Numbness and swelling the hands and feet
Numbness and swelling the hands and feet
As discussed, PAD limits blood flow to the legs. This is why one may experience changes in the colour of the legs and feet.

If left untreated, your legs can start turning pale or blue and you may experience a painful ache in your leg, especially when you're walking. This pain may subside with a few minutes of resting.

According to the Mayo Clinic, coldness, numbness and weakness in the lower leg or foot, especially when compared with the other side, can also be a tell-tale sign of high cholesterol.

04/9Skin problems
Skin problems
Too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can cause fatty deposits to build up in the skin as well. This can cause rash-like lesions which can be characterized by orangish or yellowish bumps filled with fat. These skin problems and growths can appear in many areas, including the corners of your eyes, lines on your palms, or the backs of your lower legs, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association.

05/9Hardening of the arteries may occur
Hardening of the arteries may occur
Fat, cholesterol, and other chemicals accumulate in the artery walls, causing atherosclerosis, often known as "hardening of the arteries." Plaques are what we name these deposits. These plaques can constrict or even block the arteries over time, leading to issues throughout the body.

06/9How high cholesterol affects the nails
How high cholesterol affects the nails
Excess plaque deposits can narrow down the arteries, limiting blood flow to various parts of the body, including the nails. As a result, your nails can develop dark lines, which are sometimes referred to as splinter haemorrhages. Medline Plus refers to it as thin, red to reddish-brown lines under your nails.

07/9Yellow bumps around the eyes
Yellow bumps around the eyes
Xanthelasma, or xanthelasma palpebrarum (XP) is a benign yellow growth that appears on or by the corners of the eyelids, next to the nose. According to the Cleveland Clinic, cholesterol deposits build up under your skin to form a xanthelasma. However, as per the health body, other conditions including diabetes, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and thyroid problems can also cause xanthelasmas.

08/9Risks associated with high cholesterol
Risks associated with high cholesterol
High cholesterol can cause fatty deposit build up in the arteries which can increase your risk of coronary heart disease. This can can lead to death from a heart attack. Furthermore, it can narrow down the arteries that lead to your brain, raising the risk of stroke.

09/9What should you do?
What should you do?
High cholesterol is dubbed as a silent killer. The warning signs are so subtle that people often miss them. Also, the signs overlaps several other mild diseases which is another reason why high cholesterol remains undetected for a longer time.

Hence, it is advisable to check the cholesterol level on a regular basis and take medications, if necessary, without any hesitation.
Remember healthy lifestyle and physical activity will keep high cholesterol at bay.

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