The Power Of Darood

The Power Of Darood.
It is reported in “Al-Qolul Badi” that a lady once approached Hazrat Sheikh Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) and asked him whether it was possible to see her deceased daughter in a dream or not. The great saint ordered her to go home. Before sleeping, she was asked to read four Rakaah of Salaah and in each Rakaah, after Sura Fatiha, she was to recite Sura Kaafirun once. She was told to continue reading the Durood Shareef after the Salaah till she fell off to sleep.

When she did all this, that night, she saw her daughter in her dream. She was shocked to see her daughter in terrible pain and anguish. She also saw that her daughter was locked by chains of fire and was completely surrounded by fire.

She told Hazrat Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) about her dream and he advised her to give some Alms. After a few days, Sheikh Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) himself dreamt of a young girl sitting on a throne and wearing a gold crown. When she asked the great Saint whether he recognised her or not, he replied that he did not. She then said: “I am the daughter of that woman who had related to you her dream”. Sheikh Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) then told her that according to her mother, she was in the pit of Hell and asked her how she reached that position.

The girl replied: “O Friend of Allah! About 70 000 others and myself were being punished by Almighty Allah by His Justice. But one day, a lover of Nabi Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) was walking by. As he passed by our graves, he recited the Durood Shareef and then conveyed the Sawaab of the Durood Shareef to us. Almighty Allah accepted the Durood Shareef. As a result of this, all of us who were in punishment were saved and granted Jannah”.

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