Use Coconut Oil In These 3 Different Ways To Get Shiny Hair

Use Coconut Oil In These 3 Different Ways To Get Shiny Hair

Only cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil is considered to be useful in hair care!

Coconut oil is a very popular and important ingredient in the beauty regime among Indians. Ancient Indian ayurvedic scriptures mention various properties of coconut oil in beauty and health protection. Coconut oil plays a very active role in skin care, especially behind the secrecy of thick and long black hair of Indian women.

Coconut Oil For Hair: An Authentic Indian Natural Wonder Ingredient

Coconut oil is very useful to make hair soft and strong. Regular use of coconut oil removes roughness of hair and dandruff of the scalp. It traps the moisture of the external environment in the hair and protects the hair from getting messy. There is no substitute for coconut oil to restore the health of hair damaged by various styling products and chemical treatments. Coconut oil can be used in many ways to enhance the beauty of hair. By following these quick hacks in your daily routine you will be able to make your hair shiny and lustrous in a completely natural way and at very low cost while sitting at home.

Use Coconut Oil As An Overnight Mask

There is no easier way to use the benefits of coconut oil for hair. Heat coconut oil in the ancient Indian traditional way, gently massage it into hair follicles for at least 15 to 20 minutes. If possible, ask the elders of the house like mother or grandmother to massage hot oil on the head. It strengthens the hair follicles because hot oil massage increases blood circulation to the scalp. Follow this rule before going to bed at night at least three days a week. The next morning, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and then apply conditioner. Religiously, after following this routine for at least two months, you too will surely have beautiful and slick hair.

Use It For A Home Hair Spa

Follow this hack on weekends or before going to any special event or function. Every guest will have their eyes on your hair! In a glass jar, mix one egg, two teaspoons yogurt, two teaspoons honey, one ripe banana and three teaspoons coconut shell and beat well. Apply the mixture on the scalp two hours before taking a shower. After two hours, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. After using this mixture on the hair, try to dry the hair naturally under the fan without the help of any blow-dryer. This home spa will help to get rid of the lifelessness by removing the roughness of hair.

Use It As A Pre-Exercise Shield

During exercise, hair becomes sweaty and tangled. To protect your hair from this, apply coconut oil on your hair and do a high ponytail before going to the gym. After exercising, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. You will be amazed at the shine and beauty of your hair!

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