why Ethanol is added in Petrol.

Ethanol is a bio-fuel obtained primarily from sugarcane, Ethanol in India is obtained primarily from sugarcane via a fermentation process. It has a higher octane number than gasoline and hence, it improves the petrol octane number. Mixing it with petrol eases the pressure on India, which is the world's third-biggest oil importer, and also helps farmers as it provides them with an alternate source of income. It is also environment-friendly as agriculture waste is less polluting.
Ethanol is high in oxygen content, which therefore allows an engine to more thoroughly combust fuel. It can be mixed with fuel in different quantities and can help reduce vehicular emissions. Also, since it is plant-based, it is considered to be a renewable fuel.

However, petroleum dealers have to adhere to quality checks. If the mix of ethanol and petrol is as stipulated, it does not do any harm and does not separate from the petrol in tanks.

⛽⛽Why is ethanol added to petrol?
Ethanol is high in oxygen content, which therefore allows an engine to more thoroughly combust fuel. It can be mixed with fuel in different quantities and can help reduce vehicular emissions. Also, since it is plant-based, it is considered to be a renewable fuel.

⛽⛽⛽Currently, 8.5 per cent of ethanol is blended with petrol in India.

⛽⛽⛽Ethanol can cause engine stalling if the water in the ethanol separates from the gasoline and floods the engine. This problem is most likely in engines that sit unused for long periods of time.
The NITI Aayog paper said that two-wheelers and passenger vehicles that are now being made in the country "are designed optimally for E5 (5 percent ethanol blend with petrol) while rubber and plastic components are "compatible with E10 fuel".
⛽⛽At a time when fuel prices are rising virtually every day and concern for the environment has become widespread, mixing ethanol in auto fuel can result in savings and also protect against climate change: a win-win situation.
Tariq Ahmad Lone
S/O: Abdul Ahad Lone
R/O Yarikhah Damhal hanji pora
Cell No: 7780969092
Email: lonetariqofficial@gmail.com

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